Brian Foxhoven, MS

Ergonomic Specialist

Brian has more than 20 years of experience in the Occupational Medicine field and is the President and Owner of Ergonomic Innovations. Since 1997, he has worked specifically in the field of workplace ergonomics, helping client companies identify ergonomic risk factors and providing solutions to help reduce injury risk.

Brian earned a Master’s from the University of Denver in Sport Science with emphases in Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, and Motor Control. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Denver with a double major in Sport Science and Mass Communications. He is a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Human Factors and Engineering Society, American College of Sports Medicine and WELCOA.

Prior to founding Ergonomics Innovations, he worked for 10 years with Rocky Mountain Medical Group, an occupational medicine provider in the Denver metro area, directly treating patients and providing physical rehabilitation. He has been with Healthbreak for the past three years in an Account Manager and Sales Support Role as well as championing the total worker health program for employer safety, health and wellness.

Why do you love your chosen profession?

I get so much enjoyment and sense of purpose from helping others, especially in workplace health and safety. I really love solving problems and helping employees find ways to be more productive while at the same time more comfortable.

What is your superpower?

Problem-solving. I love finding creative solutions to counter the stumbling blocks so many people encounter in the journey toward comfort and health.