Healthbreak’s Live It! Give It! Program Celebrates 5 Years

In 2015, Healthbreak started Live It! Give It! as a charitable giving and volunteerism program for its team members. The program’s mission is to foster opportunities to promote health initiatives while giving back to the communities in which we live. Live It! Give It! focuses on volunteerism, community charity events, and educational experiences. For five years, the Healthbreak team connected with one another and to our communities through a shared passion for health and wellbeing. To date, Healthbreak’s Live It! Give It! program has supported a dozen community organizations, and counting!

Live It! Give It! Has Proudly Supported:

Leukemia Society Rock & Roll Run
Be the Match
American Red Cross blood donations
Jefferson County Action Center
Jefferson County Trail Restoration
Golden Christian Action Guild
Omaha Parks & Rec
Omaha Open Door Mission & Sienna Francis House
Salvation Army back packs for children
Omaha Trails
Food Bank of the Heartland
Multiple Sclerosis MuckFest